What FSC Certification Means

Being FSC certified means our company has been rigorously assessed and verified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), a global organization dedicated to responsible forest management.


Forests are vital to human society, offering not only breathtaking landscapes and recreational spaces but also crucial habitats for wildlife, clean water, soil preservation, and climate change mitigation.


The FSC collaborates with local communities to enforce high standards of forest management, ensuring the protection of water quality, preservation of old-growth forests, and the avoidance of hazardous chemicals.


FSC certified packaging addresses a wide range of ethical concerns, including fair wages, safe working conditions, and community involvement. The key principle behind FSC certification is tracking the product’s chain of custody, guaranteeing sustainability from the source of raw materials to the final product in the customer’s hands.

The Benefits of Using FSC-Certified Paper

By choosing Forest Stewardship Council certified paper, we can ensure that paper comes from responsibly managed forests, while promoting environmental conservation and social responsibility.


Consumers also have the assurance that the packaging they purchase comes from forests that are responsibly managed and meets high environmental and social standards, providing them with confidence in our dedication to sustainability and ethical practices across our supply chain.

FSC-Certified Packaging

The Benefits of Using FSC-Certified Paper


By choosing Forest Stewardship Council certified paper, we can ensure that paper comes from responsibly managed forests, while promoting environmental conservation and social responsibility.
Consumers also have the assurance that the packaging they purchase comes from forests that are responsibly managed and meets high environmental and social standards, providing them with confidence in our dedication to sustainability and ethical practices across our supply chain.


For as long as humanity has existed, forests have helped to provide balance in the ecosystem. They are part of the lifeline of all living things on planet Earth.


FSC certified boxes are our answer to being part of the collective effort in conserving forests and combating climate change. With FSC’s far-reaching impact and rigorous standards throughout the supply chain, we believe the certification is a testament to our commitment to sustainability.


Globally, more than 1,800 forest management certificates have been issued worldwide by FSC, covering over 230 million hectares of forest.


The FSC certification of our product indicates our commitment to sustainable sourcing practices. Our FSC certified packaging not only safeguards forests by reducing reliance on new materials but also minimizes waste sent to landfills.


The FSC label has a measurable impact on the forests and guarantees that all forest-derived materials are entirely recycled or reclaimed. This approach spares forests from further harvesting, aligning with circularity objectives while lessening ecological strain.


Sustainability is no longer a vague idea pursued solely by well-meaning organizations. Sustainability awareness has been steadily growing among consumers.


Surveys have shown that 66% of consumers expect companies to ensure that the wood/paper products and packaging they sell do not contribute to deforestation, while a global average of 64% of consumers believe that independent sustainability certifications are important tools for change.


The FSC logo is recognized by 56% of consumers worldwide. Of those who recognize the logo, 62% would choose FSC-certified products over non-certified equivalents.

Ecopakleader Makes FSC-Certified Products

As a packaging company, paper and cardboard are at the core of everything we do. They are the literal building blocks of our business. We’ve been working with these materials for most of our careers, and we know more than anyone the significance of promoting sustainable forest management. That’s why we went through the process of achieving Chain of Custody Certification, which enables us to offer Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified paper products.

We believe that eco-packaging goes beyond the surface level of just materials. It is a chain of custody that follows through every step of the supply chain. From sourcing and production to processing and finally shipping, we strive to ensure that throughout the process, we minimize our impact on the environment as much as possible.

We have always recognized the importance of independent certification in transitioning to a sustainable future. The FSC certification offers a measurable impact on securing biodiversity and provides peace of mind to our consumers seeking sustainable packaging.

Marine Degradable
Let's Break It Down!

Our degradable products are designed to break down naturally in marine environments, ensuring minimal impact on our oceans.


Unlike traditional plastics, these materials decompose without leaving harmful residues, protecting marine life and contributing to a healthier planet.


By choosing marine degradable packaging, you’re not just reducing waste—you’re actively participating in preserving our oceans for future generations.

If your packaging is paper-based, we can design and produce it using FSC certified materials. Reach out anytime to get a sustainable packaging project started.

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